[Wahnsinn™ und Methode®]

Friday the 13th of May 2016. The perfect date for the exhibition „Wahnsinn™ und Methode®“ [Madness™ & Method®] at Gallery WELTRAUM in Munich. Within the premisses I arranged 72 20×20 framed drawings and the painting “Es kann doch nicht der Sinn™ des Lebens® sein, nach dem Sinn™ des Lebens® zu suchen. Wo ist da der Sinn™?” [Acryl and collage on canvas; 190 x 150 cm]. Motto was the daily madness streaming in through media and mostly the web presenting us with the undercomplexity of simple stupid truths many people are so addicted to. The series of drawings is an invitation to everyone to think about all the non-connected crazinesses which are occurring in modern life. What makes some individuals think that they are 100% smart enough to connect all dots and explain the world in three sentences to others? Why are they building fictitious realities? Is it just a Dunning–Kruger effect in different shadings maybe in strong relationship with narcissism and the intent on psychological commerce? Whatsoever: Have a look in the gallery „drawings“ on this website and you can check out all the pieces of work. [Thanx once again to Rudolf Maximilian Becker for hosting me and special thanx to Daniel Schvarcz for the cool panorama-fotos and the amazing 3D-walkthrough of the exhibition! Thanx to everyone who helped especially to my wife Ira and thanx to all the people who came along to see the thing!]

>> Here is a digital walkthrough
>> Find all drawings here as gellery
>> Thanx for the nice review i-love-urbanart.com