Posted on December 12th, 2007 at 11:32 pm by admin
There was not much going on here lately, because of a completely monotone
working-marathon. But I have been struck by an insight, I would even call it a
gnosis, if it wouldn’t be that trivial: »Working in repetitive tasks really fucks
the brain!« I mean thats not a very deep comprehension. But interesting is, how
to get some new creative juice into a boredom-trashed cerebric. Once I read
that chewing chewinggum makes the braincells increase. That sounds great!
But it is not solving the problem of an absolutely empty mind. How can it be
filled with new ideas? The only solution for me was to produce even more
and never to forget about the philosophy wich is the real cart horse of it all!
So I’m working on some new videos right now and started several paintings.
But time is short and the unfinnished stuff is not going to hit the web. Better
tides are aproaching … for sure. Here is a taste of some I did for catharsis …
Link Here | December 13, 2007,
this poem makes me sad!
good work!
refresh my brain
Comment by refresh
Link Here | December 14, 2007,
a bright head looking into a dark future…
Comment by assimilationist |
Link Here | January 16, 2008,
what is “it” looking at?
Comment by louderthanwords |