Cologne Cathedral Captured!
Posted on March 28th, 2009 at 7:21 pm by admin

The bacterias now went to the very highest Gothic vaults in the world, the Cologne Cathedral.
A yeah! They like it… housing inbetween all the graffiti there. Amen! (Thnx to Irka & Falsch)

On top of the Dome of Cologne

Outside and inside

Feeling home with all the graffiti

just the right place


gUten taG, ˈdʏsəldɔɐf]
Posted on March 24th, 2009 at 1:05 pm by admin

The invasion of Düsseldorf, the capital city of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany,
has taken place now! It was a great conquest! (Thnx to Irka & Falsch and Schukkassia)

Düsseldorf, the bacteria and me

An der Kö!





Pirat Okay?

Reformat the Planet
Posted on March 10th, 2009 at 11:59 am by admin

This is the trailer for the 2 player productions documentary ” Reformat the Planet,
which debuted at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March of 2008. Wicked,
how much fun a gameboy can be. I hope we can see the docu as whole some day.

2 Player Productions (better quality trailer and more vidz) >>
DATAPOP 2009 a celebration of the Gameboy music movement >>
a collective of artists sharing a common love for classic videogames >>

Bakterioid befällt Arlberg!
Posted on March 2nd, 2009 at 2:20 pm by admin

It’s a time ago, but the bacterias have been back to Austria once again. This time they made it
to Lech am Arlberg, were the highest germ ever was spread! Geh Biette! (Thnx to Irka & Falsch)

highest bacteria ever 2415 m !!!

invasion of lech am arlberg

invasion of lech am arlberg

invasion of lech am arlberg

invasion of lech am arlberg

invasion of lech am arlberg